Welcome   to   KELENDÅR!

One(1) KELENDÅR year = 364 days. 
Divided into thirteen(13) months of 28(twenty eight) days. 
Containing fifty two(52) seven(7)-day weeks.

There are no holidays. Yet.

Every 9th year is Sleep-year when it does not matter 
howmany days there are. 
Consequently, the Sleep-year may be anywhere 
from 0(zero) to 363 days long.

There's been some confusion caused created 
by the KELENDÅR's superficial similarities 
to the Gregorian &/or Julian time-reckoning systems.

Those similarities have been eliminated from &/or 
revealed in our Third(3d) Edition.

KELENDÅR intends to challenge the illusion of permanence. 
Upon which traditional time-reckoning systems are based.

The illusion of permanence is vital to our day-to-day 
physical survival. 
 It's transference into the realm of faith, mythology 
and science however,leaves humanity totally unprepared 
for change. 
And being unprepared for change is the reason / cause 
of all that ails our culture(s).

KELENDÅR aims to encourage change by anticipating 
and welcoming it.

KELENDÅR is a flexible user-friendly easily adaptable 
hands-on system.

KELENDÅR is individual. 
Ball 1 - the beginning(first day) of KELENDÅR - 
is always the birthday of the person using it.

         Thank you for visiting KELENDÅR!

This is the place to visit when you forget what day it is.

Comprendrez?! Kapiish?! Érted?!


Nirvana consists of never understanding anything.  

In our 3-dimensional reality, never understanding anything 
is phisically impossible. 
Nevertheless, one should always strive to avoid overhead.
Not understanding anything however, is the norm 
in the 2-dimensional universe of cyberspace. 

So NooNe should have a probleM Not uNderstaNdiNg this.